What if you Can’t Sleep?

So while I am laying in my bed not able to sleep tonight because there is just so much going on at all once, it got me thinking of the future. When we become teachers our personal lives aren’t just going to stop. Bad things will still happen, things will get stressful, things will keep us up at night… How do we handle that happening as well as handling our classes.

I know that it is totally inappropriate to tell our students about our personal lives. It isn’t their buisness nor should it be, but how do we separate our personal lives from our work lives without mixing them?

For me personally, I cry when I feel any emotion too much no matter if I’m happy, sad, stressed, or nervous. So I’m really worried that I am going to completely break down in front of my classes. I can hide the emotions sometimes, but there are some times where I cannot get through the day without crying.

Any advice?

2 thoughts on “What if you Can’t Sleep?

  1. I got some stuff.
    It’s über hard to control your emotions, especially when you have a class to teach. I know so well, because I am a very emotional person, and I still have to yell at kids to kick things. Sometimes it gets frustrating and I want to kick everything.
    You know what helps?
    1. MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC. When I’m overwhelmed, i sing. If I listen to music beforehand, I’m okay because I have a list of songs inside my head to sing so I don’t strangle anyone.
    2. Talking to your kids is NOT the worst thing. If you had to put your dog to sleep, tell them about it, and turn it into discussion. They’ll know what you’re feeling. Of course, if you’re feeling a little tipsy from the night before, don’t tell them about that. Know your boundaries, but ultimately, let them know that you have feelings too. It turns you from an object into a person.
    3. If you absolutely know that you’re going to break down, have a break. Have a responsible kid watch over the class and say that it’s teacher/student break time. Run to the bathroom or the teacher room and take some deep breaths. punch a wall. Cry. Do what you gotta do.
    4. Bring little bits of food. My turn-to is little pieces of chocolate.


  2. theeastonineptitude says:

    I can’t remember the last time I cried in front of someone, but I can easily remember the last time I lost control in anger. I did that once with my cast when I was director of my high school’s senior One-Acts and my personal life was getting in the way of my professional life. I just apologized afterwards for not being professional, and they were fine with it (:


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